Wednesday, August 22, 2012

You know, guys. Sometimes, it's real hard to do things that God wants me to do. Like, I'm involved in church but I want to be more involved with it. You know what I mean? And, you know how at camp, everything was soo intentional with learning and developing and worshipping God that I've kind of forgotten all that stuff about how to just take a few minutes out of my day to pray and thank God for the Good and the Bad. Whether it's intentional or not, God needs to be the center of my life and I don't feel like I'm giving Him that much respect.

So please pray for me as I enter this new Revelation in time and help me get back in my spiritual life with God. I know He's there and I know He's watching. thanks guys.

If you have any prayer requests that you would like me to pray about, just comment or tweet me @jblogGI

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

If you ever want a good survival tip from God. Just go Apply at a Summer Camp for Youth. It's a lot of fun, gets the blood going and and it brings you closer to God.
You know, I'm in a skit at Timberlake, which is the camp that I work at, and the great thing is the skit is about a young dorky guy who finds himself in a predicament: A. To be sinful and "cool" or B. To be Godly and free of sin. Well he chooses wrong and ends up in trouble when his tempters lock him in the so called "'fun' box" and instead it's a trap of sin. He asks his friend who doesnt know the way. He tries for a Hippie who crosses his path but nothing helps finally my character and my costar go up and introduce ourselves. We don't tell him the things the hippie said and we make sure that we bring up the Bible. In fact, we had been in the same predicament but we told him that with God's help he could escape too. So he said a couple Scriptures, then asked a very good question. "Is this, like, some kind of magic spell that all I have to do is say the words and I'm saved?" And what everyone should know is that becoming a christian is more than that, but being a Christian is a life-altering experience that one should definitely look into. But when his tempters come back to finish him off the young man must decide and quick and then when finally chooses correctly, he bursts out toppling the two sent from Hell. He takes a couple minutes to thank us and the young man who got the extra Good News to him and we praise God and then run off stage.
That was my favorite part about camp this summer. Besides the food. (which was awesome)